Mit bayerischen Kollegen auf der CeBIT 2017
Wieder einmal durfte die IT IS AG sich glücklich schätzen, Mitaussteller auf dem Gemeinschaftsstand der Bayern Innovativ GmbH zu sein.
Neben rund 20 Mitausstellern führten wir dort in Halle 6, Stand E 17 unsere mitgebrachten Lösungen live vor. Unsere vier Mitarbeiter hatten alle Hände voll zu tun, den großen Andrang zu bewältigen und konnten erfolgreich einen guten Eindruck bei den unzähligen Interessenten hinterlassen.
Live-Demonstrationen für alle
Jeder interessierte Besucher bekam durch unsere eigens für seine Bedürfnisse geführten Demonstrationen der Systeme Alfresco, Odoo und Zimbra einen guten Einblick in die jeweiligen Lösungen. Wünsche und Probleme mit den momentanen Systemen im Unternehmen der Besucher konnten so individuell verglichen und ein Lösungsansatz mit unseren Open-Source-Systemen besprochen werden.
We‘re especially happy about contracting partnerships already during the fair and hope for fruitful and successful collaborations.
If you are also interested in using our modules in your odoo or if a partnership may be a rewarding option for you don‘t be shy of contacting us. We‘re happy about your message! Contact us
We want to thank odoo very much for our third year at the odoo experience!
With Bayern Innovativ at the CeBit 2016
As in the previous year, we presented our products and open-source solutions at CeBit in Hanover from March 14 to March 18.
This time we were at the joint stand of Bayern Innovativ, which had the motto "occur together," in Hall 6, Stand D17 with 20 exhibitors from industry and academia.
Crowds at the CeBIT 2015 in Hannover
We are very pleased to report to our stand about the large crowds and the high interest.
It was a special honor, to welcome our Minister of Transport, Alexander Dobrindt at our booth.
We were happy to be available for other clients too until Friday at Hall 9 - booth A40.
We were very pleased to have the opportunity to have an exciting and informative technical discussion about our IT IS solutions and products with the representative Prime Minister and Bavarian Minister of Ecomonic Affairs, Ilse Aigner.
Also the general interest in our open source solutions for Odoo and Alfresco exceeded our expectations. In many talks we were able to introduce visitors the advantages of our products.
If you are also interested in our solutions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help!
A visit to our friends from Odoo was a pleasure to us. Worked, talked, convinced - that is the news of the day, and after work, since this is done, what a celebration evening is there.evening is there.