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Zusammen zum Erfolg
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für jedes Level
We are Odoo certified training partner. In addition, we advise and support you in the execution of your ERP projects in cloud computing, e-business and B2B communication solutions.
Benefit from more than 18 years of experience in the ERP implementation with about 325 projects. We have gained special expertise in the field of ERP customizations to customer specifications. We also have a great deal of experience when it comes to the connection of ERP with document management, web shops and websites.Consulting.
Before deciding to integrate Odoo in your company, we provide you with comprehensive consultancy. Based on our experience of years in ERP-business we understand your business processes and specific needs quickly and are able to offer you a solution tailored to your company. We are happy to visit you to analyze your existing systems and processes and determine and discuss your requirements and wishes.
Together with our team of experienced developers, we plan and implement the right Odoo-solutions for you and your business according the project plan. With us you will not experience any surprises.
Although the Odoo solution already brings more than 2,500 modules to customize, we are happy to develop for you customized and low-priced add-ons for your industry or company.
Start with the customer - find out what they want and give it to them. Auch während des erfolgreichen Odoo Betrieb s in Ihrem Unternehmen kommt es immer wieder zu speziellen Fragen, die wir im Odoo Support klären. Gerne trainieren wir Sie und Ihre Mitarbeiter zu allen odoo-spezifischen Themen. Unsere speziell von Odoo geschulten Mitarbeiter führen die Trainings durch. Sprechen Sie uns gerne an, wie wir Sie und Ihr Team fit für Odoo machen können. IT IS ist zertifizierter Odoo-Trainingspartner.